​​​​Lake Bloomington Association​

Lake Bloomington Association Board

The Lake Bloomington Association's Board is elected every year. Officers serve a one-year term and Directors serve a three-year term. The Board is nominated by a committee of board members and is elected by the membership each year at the fall dinner.

If you are a member of the LBA and want to become a Board Officer or Director, please email us at www.lakebloomingtonassociation@gmail.com

2022-2023 LBA Board Officers

Presidents: Robert and Traci Freitag

Vice Presidents: Shannon Duvendack and Matt Stuckel​​

Secretary: Kathy and Darryl Oncken

Treasurer: Helen Ogar and Paul Lawrence

City Liaison: Mark Csanda

Past President: Lynette and Rick Mehall

Membership: Lezlee and Jeff Dillon

Lake Breeze Editor: Michael Randitsas


Rick Hamm

Mark Schuler

​Matt and Diana Matigian

​Julia Davis and Robert McDonald

Angie and Carey Davis

​Tom Carey and Megan Dortenzo